[[Include(/WikiToC)]] == Testbed Workflow == Typical work process on COSMOS is shown below. This is suggested as a reference for first-time users. '''Registration''' and '''setting up the ssh client''' are a one-time process after which the basic work flow cycle begins. This work flow is shown below in an event flow figure. Key terms and concepts are defined at [wiki:CosmosOverview/Concepts] [[Image(COSMOS work flow.png, 375px, center)]] ===== [wiki:UserGuide/AccountCreation Registration/Account Creation] In order to use the test bed you must register for an account. [wiki:UserGuide/AccountCreation Registration] can be done as an individual or an organization, with the [https://www.orbit-lab.org/userManagement/register new user registration form]. ===== Setting up SSH client Access to the COSMOS resources is done remotely via SSH. How the SSH client is set up depends on the type of OS you are using. Please see [wiki:UserGuide/RemoteAccess/SSH Configuring SSH Keys] for specific details. ===== 1. [wiki:UserGuide/CreateRes#ResCreate Making a reservation] You'll need to allocated a set of nodes / resources at a specific date/time under your registered account name. This process is outlined here - [wiki:UserGuide/CreateRes#ResCreate create a reservation]. ===== 2. [wiki:UserGuide/RemoteAccess/Console Log into testbed] [wiki:UserGuide/RemoteAccess/Console Log into the console] of your reserved domain. Once you're logged into the console you'll have access to all the resources under that domain. ===== 3. Configure node / resources Now you're ready to check and load images (ie. Linux operating system) onto the available resources - [wiki:UserGuide/OmfQuickStart here]. ===== 4. Work / develop using nodes / resources At this point you'll be able to access all your resources. You should be able to log into the resource and start development. As an example refer to the [wiki:Tutorials/Wireless/BasicUsage basic usage tutorial] for this process. ===== 5. Save progress prior to reservation time ending This is always optional :) In the case when you have made additions to the loaded image, you may want to save it prior to your reservation time ending. The saving process is described [wiki:UserGuide/OmfQuickStart here]. By saving the resource's image you can reload it at a later time and continue where you left off.