= This page lists events where COSMOS tutorials and demos have been presented COSMOS Experimenters Workshop (May 2019) NSF [http://merif.seas.gwu.edu/ MERIF] (Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum) Education Workshop (May 2019) * [attachment:"2019-05-28 ORBIT-COSMOS Intro(Ivan Mike Final).pdf" Introduction] * [attachment:"2019-05-28 MERIF Workshop - Tutorial 1.pdf" Tutorial 1] * [attachment:"2019-05-28 MERIF Workshop - Tutorial 2.pdf" Tutorial 2] - OML Spectrum Monitoring - [attachment:"COSMOS_Tutorial_FullDuplex_May2019.pdf"​​ Full Duplex] - Optical Demo - [attachment:"CosmosOpticalDemo_v6_wo_video_gz.pdf" Slides] - [attachment:"Adding Connection A.mp4" Establishing a Connection A] - [attachment:"Deleting Connection A and setting connection B.mp4" Establishing a Connection B] - [attachment:"Optical Switching.mp4" Dynamic switching between links A/B]