[[Include(WikiToC)]] = Getting Started This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to get started with using the COSMOS testbed. You can browse the wiki as an anonymous user. After following the steps below, you can log in using the navigation bar in the top right. [[PageOutline(2-6,,inline,unnumbered)]] == Make an Account [[Include(UserGuide/AccountCreation#AccountCreation)]] == Create and Configure SSH Keys [[Include(UserGuide/RemoteAccess/SSH#ConfiguringSSHKeys)]] == Make a Reservation [[Include(UserGuide/CreateRes#ResCreate)]] == Log in to your Reservation [[Include(UserGuide/RemoteAccess/Console#consoleConnect)]] == Control Resources with OMF === Get the status of nodes [[Include(UserGuide/OmfQuickStart#stat)]] === Load an image onto the node [[Include(UserGuide/OmfQuickStart#load)]] === Turn the node on [[Include(UserGuide/OmfQuickStart#tell)]] === Log into the node and make changes TODO === Save the node with your changes [[Include(UserGuide/OmfQuickStart#save)]] == Run a Hello World Experiment [[Include(UserGuide/OmfQuickStart#exec)]] == Get Help and Support [[Include(UserGuide/Support#support)]]