= Orchestration Example = == ONAP == The [http://onap.org Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP)] is an open-source software platform that enables the design, creation, and orchestration of networking services. ONAP was formed as a result of a [https://www.lightreading.com/nfv/nfv-mano/open-o-ecomp-combine-to-create-onap/d/d-id/730522 merger of the Linux Foundation’s OPEN-Orchestrator (OPEN-O), and the AT&T ECOMP (Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management and Policy) projects]. [https://www.onap.org/architecture ONAP architecture] consists of two major architectural frameworks: * design-time environment * run-time environment Both of these environments consist of a numerous separate subsystems. This tutorial simplified deployment no OpenStack only Kubernties; 4 machines: controller and 3 workers Basic set of subsystems: -- Running performant physical server cluster For the purpose of orbit-lab, execute the below script on any of the console node in orbit as below: \\./create-kube-cluster.sh -c "cNode1 cNode2 ... cNodeM" -w "wNode1 wNode2 ... wNodeN" create-kube-cluster.sh {{{ #!/bin/bash rm -f cluster.yml rm -f kube_config_cluster.yml rm -f rke rm -f config omf tell -t all -a offh sleep 60 wget https://github.com/rancher/rke/releases/download/v0.2.1/rke_linux-amd64 mv rke_linux-amd64 rke chmod 754 rke usage () { echo "Usage:" echo " ./$(basename $0) -c \"cNode1 cNode2 ... cnodeN\" -w \"wNode1 wnode2 ... wnodeN\"" echo "Note: controllers hostnames and workers hostnames are to be enclosed in \"\"" exit 0 } if [[ ( $# == "--help") || $# == "-h" ]] then usage exit 0 fi if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then echo "Missing Kubernetes control and worker nodes" usage fi echo "# An example of an HA Kubernetes cluster for ONAP" >> cluster.yml echo "nodes:" >> cluster.yml while getopts c:w: option do case "${option}" in c) CONTROLLERS=${OPTARG};; w) WORKERS=${OPTARG};; esac done omf load -i latest-onap-control.ndz -t ${CONTROLLERS// /,} -r 60 sleep 300 omf load -i latest-onap-worker.ndz -t ${WORKERS// /,} -r 60 sleep 300 omf tell -a on -t ${CONTROLLERS// /,},${WORKERS// /,} sleep 300 IFS=' ' read -ra C <<< "$CONTROLLERS" IFS=' ' read -ra W <<< "$WORKERS" echo "Testing node availability. This might take some time" for i in "${C[@]}"; do while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 $i &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done echo " localhost" > hosts echo "`ping $i -c 1 | grep "PING" | grep '('|awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print $3}'` ${i}" >> hosts scp hosts root@$i:/etc/hosts done for i in "${W[@]}"; do while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 $i &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done echo " localhost" > hosts echo "`ping $i -c 1 | grep "PING" | grep '('|awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print $3}'` ${i}" >> hosts scp hosts root@$i:/etc/hosts done echo "Availability check successful" for i in "${C[@]}"; do echo "- address: `ping $i -c 1 | grep "PING" | grep '('|awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print $3}'`" >> cluster.yml echo ' port: "22"' >> cluster.yml echo " role:" >> cluster.yml echo " - controlplane" >> cluster.yml echo " - etcd" >> cluster.yml echo " hostname_override: `ping $i -c 1 | grep 'PING' | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F . '{print $1}'`" >> cluster.yml echo " user: root" >> cluster.yml echo " ssh_key_path: '~/.ssh/id_rsa'" >> cluster.yml done echo "# worker nodes start " >> cluster.yml for i in "${W[@]}"; do echo "- address: `ping $i -c 1 | grep "PING" | grep '('|awk '{gsub(/[()]/,""); print $3}'`" >> cluster.yml echo ' port: "22"' >> cluster.yml echo " role:" >> cluster.yml echo " - worker" >> cluster.yml echo " hostname_override: `ping $i -c 1 | grep 'PING' | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F . '{print $1}'`" >> cluster.yml echo " user: root" >> cluster.yml echo " ssh_key_path: '~/.ssh/id_rsa'" >> cluster.yml done echo 'services: kube-api: service_cluster_ip_range: pod_security_policy: false always_pull_images: false kube-controller: cluster_cidr: service_cluster_ip_range: kubelet: cluster_domain: cluster.local cluster_dns_server: fail_swap_on: false network: plugin: canal authentication: strategy: x509 ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa" ssh_agent_auth: false authorization: mode: rbac ignore_docker_version: false kubernetes_version: "v1.13.5-rancher1-2" private_registries: - url: nexus3.onap.org:10001 user: docker password: docker is_default: true cluster_name: "onap" restore: restore: false snapshot_name: ""' >> cluster.yml ./rke up for i in "${C[@]}"; do scp kube_config_cluster.yml root@$i:~/.kube/config done exit 0 }}} Perform this on kubernetes control node: 1. Set the context of kubernetes to onap by default: {{{ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=onap }}} 2. Verify the Kubernetes cluster: \\ {{{ kubectl get nodes -o=wide }}} 3. Initialize Kubernetes Cluster for use by Helm {{{ kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller helm init --service-account tiller kubectl -n kube-system rollout status deploy/tiller-deploy }}} 4. Set only the required ONAP component to true {{{ cd overrides/ //edit the onap-all.yaml file and set the ONAP components to false nano onap-all.yaml }}} example: {{{ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ################################################################### # This override file enables helm charts for all ONAP applications. ################################################################### cassandra: enabled: false mariadb-galera: enabled: true aaf: enabled: false aai: enabled: false appc: enabled: false cds: enabled: false clamp: enabled: false cli: enabled: false consul: enabled: false contrib: enabled: false dcaegen2: enabled: false dmaap: enabled: false esr: enabled: false log: enabled: false sniro-emulator: enabled: false oof: enabled: false msb: enabled: false multicloud: enabled: false nbi: enabled: false policy: enabled: false pomba: enabled: false portal: enabled: true robot: enabled: false sdc: enabled: false sdnc: enabled: false so: enabled: false uui: enabled: false vfc: enabled: false vid: enabled: false vnfsdk: enabled: false modeling: enabled: false }}} -- Openstack installed -- VM cloud image ubuntu 18.04-server-image