Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Tutorials/4G5G/ORANSplit7_2

Nov 13, 2024, 5:31:58 PM (4 months ago)


  • Tutorials/4G5G/ORANSplit7_2

    v1 v1  
     3== ORAN Split 7.2 E2E ==
     7=== Description ===
     8This tutorial contains instructions for setting up 5G ORAN Split 7.2 network using OAI/srsRAN + various O-RUs(LiteOn, Jabil, Benetel) in COSMOS SB1.
     10=== Prerequisites ===
     11In order to access the test bed, create a reservation and have it approved by the reservation service. Access to the resources is granted after the reservation is confirmed. Please follow the process shown on the COSMOS [wiki:GettingStarted getting started] page to get started.
     13=== Resources required ===
     141 server
     15in [ COSMOS SB1] domain and sdr1-in3(with SIMCOMM modem)
     17=== Tutorial Setup ===
     19Follow the steps below to gain access to the [wiki:/Architecture/Domains/cosmos_sb1 sandbox 1 console] and set up nodes with appropriate images.
     20 1. If you don't have one already, sign up for a [ COSMOS account]
     21 1. [wiki:/GettingStarted#MakeaReservation Create a resource reservation] on sandbox 1
     22 1. [wiki:/GettingStarted#LogintoyourReservation Login] into sandbox 1 console ( with two SSH sessions.
     23 1. Make sure all the resources in the domain are turned off:
     25omf tell -a offh -t system:topo:allres 
     27 For this tutorial we will be using the SB1 servers, srv1-lg1, srv2-lg1, USRP N310s in large and medium nodes, sdr1-s1-lg1 and sdr1-md1.
     28 1. Load 5G-tutorial-cosmos.ndz on srv1-lg1,srv2-lg1. 
     30omf load -i 5G-tutorial-cosmos.ndz -t srv1-lg1
     32 1. Turn all the required resources on and check the status
     34omf tell -a on -t srv1-lg1,sdr1-in3
     37omf stat -t system:topo:allres
     39 1. ssh to the servers, use option -Y for using GUI.
     41ssh root@srv1-lg1
     45=== Tutorial Execution ===
     46[[CollapsibleStart(Initialize DPDK)]]
     49[[CollapsibleStart(Run the 5G Core)]]
     53[[CollapsibleStart(Run OAI CU+DU)]]
     57[[CollapsibleStart(SIMCOMM modem)]]
     61[[CollapsibleStart(Iperf test)]]