Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Tutorials/Optical/Tutorial1

Jun 8, 2019, 11:36:05 PM (5 years ago)


  • Tutorials/Optical/Tutorial1

    v6 v7  
    5858Fig.1 Logical Topology of Experiment_1
    60 Experiment consist in changning the light path from ToR1<-->ToR2 to ToR1<-->ToR3, representing changing of the light path in C-RAN when “Client” wants to move its baseband processing from “Edge Cloud” to “Central Cloud”.
     60Experiment consists in changing the light path from ToR1<-->ToR2 to ToR1<-->ToR3, representing changing of the light path in C-RAN when “Client” wants to move its base-band processing from “Edge Cloud” to “Central Cloud”.
    6262Experiment includes 3 servers:
    104104= Setting Up Optical Topology =
    105 Setting up an optical topology consists in connecting ROADMs accordingly to the needs of experiment. ROADMs need to be connected correctly to each other and to ToR switch. All interconnections are realised by Calient S320 Switch.
     105Setting up an optical topology consists in connecting ROADMs accordingly to the needs of experiment. ROADMs need to be connected correctly to each other and to ToR switch. All interconnections are realized by Calient S320 Switch.
    111111Calient Switch S320 has ports physically connected to ROADMs, ToR, Prof. Zussman’s lab and 3 loopback connections. All ports are designated in the Fig.2 Physical Optical Interconnections.
    113 In order to support the Experiment_1 logical connections and realise physical distance of Edge Cloud from Central Cloud, one could pass through a loop going to 32 Avenue of the Americas of 22km, and organize Client port Connections as Next:
     113In order to support the Experiment_1 logical connections and to realize emulate real distance between Edge Cloud an Central Cloud, one could choose to pass the optical signal through the loop of 22 km passing by 32 Avenue of the Americas, NYC; and organize Client port Connections as Next:
    115115||ID||||Ports Connection||||Devices Connection||||Comment||
    116116||1||||1.1.1-1.4.1||||ROADM1.port_1 to ROADM2.port_1||||Forming pass through connection between ROADM1 and ROADM2||
    117117||2||||1.1.2-5.7.1||||ROADM1.port_2 to ToR.port_29||||Connecting transceiver on ToR on port 29 to ROADM1 add/drop port 2||
    118 ||3||||1.4.8-5.8.1||||ROADM2.line to 32AoA.P1_P2||||Connection line port or ROADM2 to port P1_P2 of a 22 km fiber loop going through 32 AoA.||
     118||3||||1.4.8-5.8.1||||ROADM2.line to 32AoA.P1_P2||||Connecting line port or ROADM2 to port P1_P2 of a 22 km fiber loop going through 32 AoA.||
    119119||4||||1.7.2-5.7.3||||ROADM3.port_2 to ToR.port_31||||Connecting transceiver on ToR on port 31 to ROADM3 add/drop port 2||
    120 ||5||||1.7.4-5.5.1||||ROADM3.port_4 to Loopback.port_1||||Connecting ROADM3 add/drop port 4 to a loopback connection. Is needed to provide “Snake” connection (cf. Setting “Snake” Connection)||
     120||5||||1.7.4-5.5.1||||ROADM3.port_4 to Loopback.port_1||||Connecting ROADM3 add/drop port 4 to a loop-back connection. Is needed to provide “Snake” connection (cf. Setting “Snake” Connection)||
    121121||6||||2.2.8-1.1.8||||ROADM4.line to ROADM1.line||||Connecting line ports of ROADM1 and ROADM4||
    122122||7||||5.7.4-2.2.2||||ROADM4.port_2 to ToR.port_32||||Connecting transceiver on ToR on port 32 to ROADM4 add/drop port 2.||
    129129= ROADMs Configuration =
    130 All of these configurations can be performed by Python scripts developed to work with the COSMOS testbed. The Python commands send NETCONF commands to the ROADM.
     130All of these configurations can be performed by Python scripts developed to work with the COSMOS test-bed. The Python commands send NETCONF commands to the ROADM.
    132132== Setting “Snake” Connection ==
    133 In order to correct operation of the ROADMs there always has to be a light passing through Line In port of each ROADMs. That is why there is a dedicated transceiver (tengigabitethernet 1/33/1 on ToR) that sends light through all ROADMs passes through loopback connection on Calient S320 (port 5.5.1) and is redirected back to be received on the same transceiver. Essentially that means that transceiver send and receive the same light emitted.
     133Correct ROADM operation requires Line In port of a ROADM to always receive a light. That is why there is a dedicated transceiver (tengigabitethernet 1/33/1 on ToR) that sends light through all ROADMs by passing through loop-back connection on Calient S320 (port 5.5.1) and redirecting back, so the light is received on the same transceiver.
    135134This kind of connection is called “Snake”.