21 | | ''Tingjun Chen, Jackson Welles, Manav Kohli, Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi, Jakub Kolodziejski, Michael Sherman, Ivan Seskar, Harish Krishnaswamy, and Gil Zussman, “Experimentation with full-duplex wireless in the COSMOS testbed“, ICNP MERIT'19, Oct. 2019'' [https://icnp19.cs.ucr.edu/proceedings/Workshops/MERIT/paper_19.pdf (Demo Abstract)] |
| 21 | ''Tingjun Chen, Jackson Welles, Manav Kohli, Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi, Jakub Kolodziejski, Michael Sherman, Ivan Seskar, Harish Krishnaswamy, and Gil Zussman, “Experimentation with full-duplex wireless in the COSMOS testbed“, Proc. IEEE ICNP’19 Workshop Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT), Oct. 2019'' [https://icnp19.cs.ucr.edu/proceedings/Workshops/MERIT/paper_19.pdf (Download)] |
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| 23 | Please cite the above paper if you use the hardware. Please email Tingjun Chen (tc2668[at]columbia.edu) if you use (or plan to use) the full-duplex node or if you have any questions. |