Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of Tutorials/Wireless/Full Duplex

May 11, 2020, 1:13:50 AM (4 years ago)


  • Tutorials/Wireless/Full Duplex

    v15 v16  
    4747Before you can access the testbed, you need to [ make a reservation] and get it approved. After receiving the reservation's confirmation (approval) email:
    49  * Login into reserved domain: {{{ssh -X}}} (the {{{-X}}} option is for enabling the X11 tunneling). Note: if connecting from macOS, the {{{-Y}}} flag may be needed instead of {{{-X}}}.
     49 * Login into reserved domain: {{{ssh -X}}} (the {{{-X}}} option is for enabling the X11 tunneling). Note: if connecting from macOS, the {{{-Y}}} flag may be needed instead of {{{-X}}}.
    5050 * Login into the node: {{{ssh -X sb2@}}}. The password is {{{cosmossandbox2}}}. After login into the node, a {{{FD_Examples}}} folder should exist under the home directory which contains some example experiments. Again, see above for using the {{{-Y}}} flag on macOS.
    5151 * Check the conection and serial number of the USRP2s: {{{uhd_find_devices}}}. The serial numbers should be {{{316}}} and {{{321}}}.
    128128==== In Terminal 1 ====
    129129 * Prepare the Eigen library (you can skip this step since the image already contains the Eigen library):
    130 {{{
    131131cd ~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/
    132132sudo cp -r Eigen/ /usr/include/
    134134 * Build the example (this is already done in the loaded image):
    135 {{{
    136136cd ~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/uhd/
    137137mkdir build
    142142 * Run the example with IQ rate {{{rate}}}, carrier frequency {{{freq}}}, TX gain {{{tx-gain}}}, and RX gain {{{rx-gain}}}:
    143 {{{
    144144cd ~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/uhd/build/
    145145./fd_transceiver_simple --tx-args="serial=F331D4" --rx-args="serial=F331D4" --rate 1e6 --freq 900e6 --tx-gain 0 --rx-gain 10
    147147 The default sine wave has an amplitude {{{ampl=0.3}}} and wave frequency of 100kHz {{{wave-freq=100e3}}}, which corresponds to a 0dBm TX power level. This terminal window will show the power level at RX baseband, after RF cancellation (before digital) and after digital cancellation, respetively. The UHD program is calibrated with {{{--rx-gain=10}}}, other RX gain values may results in inaccurate power level computation.
    148148 * An example temrinal output is below:
    149 {{{
    150150root@node11-10:~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/uhd/build# ./fd_transceiver_simple --tx-args="serial=F331D4" --rx-args="serial=F331D4" --rate 1e6 --freq 900e6 --tx-gain 0 --rx-gain 10
    151151linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400; UHD_003.010.001.001-0-unknown
    185185===== In Terminal 2 (SUB-20) =====
    186186 * Build the RF canceller configuration code (this is already done in the loaded image):
    187 {{{
    188188cd ~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/sub20/
    191191 * Check the connection to the SUB-20 device using command {{{lbusb}}}. You should see a XDIMAX devices connected to the USB hub.
    192192 * Program and configure the RF canceller with the desired values:
    193 {{{
    194194cd ~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/sub20/
    195195./rf_canc_gen1_config PS-CODE ATT-CODE C1-CODE C2-CODE C3-CODE
    197197 In particular, the {{{PS-CODE=0,1,2,...,255}}} and {{{ATT-CODE=0,1,2,...,127}}} codes are for configuring the 8-bit phase shifter and the 7-bit attenuator of the Gen-1 RF canceller, respectively. It is recommended to use {{{C1-CODE=16, C2-CODE=6, C3-CODE=6}}}, which provides 20dB isolation from the antenna-circulator interface. You can play with the values of {{{ATT}}} and {{{PS}}} until you see good cancellation profile (e.g., low residual self-interference power level) in Terminal 1.
    198198 * An example temrinal output is below:
    199 {{{
    200200root@node11-10:~/flexicon_orbit/fd_transceiver_simple/sub20# ./rf_canc_gen1_config 110 30 16 6 6
    212212Once the full-duplex node11-10 is up and running, you can turn on another SDR to transmit to the full-duplex node. Below, we use {{{node13-8}}} as an example in the 3rd terminal window (Terminal 3).
    213213 * Load image, power on, and login into node13-8:
    214 {{{
    215215omf tell -a offh -t node13-8
    216216omf load -i baseline-sdr.ndz -t node13-8
    220220 * Configure the USRP Ethernet interface: {{{ifconfig eth2 netmask up}}}
    221221 * Set up a secondary transmitter sending a sine wave at a different frequency (e.g., 200 kHz) than that of the full-duplex node:
    222 {{{
    223223./tx_waveforms --args="serial=F331D4" --rate 1e6 --freq 900e6 gain 10 --wave-type SINE --wave-freq 200e3