Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of Tutorials/Wireless/Full Duplex

Mar 21, 2023, 5:35:52 AM (2 years ago)


  • Tutorials/Wireless/Full Duplex

    v40 v41  
    105 * At this point, the server is ready to use. Please see the sections below for details on how to save work when finished, and the experiments and resources that are available on the server.
     105* At this point, the server is ready to use. Please see the sections below for details on how to use the baseline experiments, the resources that are available on the server, and how to save your work when finished.
     107==== Running the baseline experiment ====
     108We can open GNU Radio using the following command:
     110gnuradio-companion &
     113If X-forwarding is setup correctly for your {{{ssh}}} session, the GNU Radio graphical user interface (GUI) program should open. If X-forwarding is not setup correctly, an error will display saying that the GUI window cannot be opened - please ensure you have used the -X flags correctly as described in the setup.
     115Open an example experiment from the {{{~/Experiments/Node}}} directory. The following experiments are available:
     116 * {{{node_level_sic_fd_gui}}} - Demonstrates node-level self-interference cancellation (SIC) and allows the experimenter to configure the RF canceller printed circuitboard (PCB).
     117 * {{{ofdm_link_fd_gui}}} - Creates an FD link between the two FD radios integrated in COSMOS.
     118 * {{{prr_fd_gui}}} - Computes the packet reception ratio (PRR) for an FD link.
     120If we open {{{ofdm_link_fd_gui.grc}}}, the following window will show:
     122Finally, clicking the grey-green play button will run the experiment!
     124 ||||||Figure 4: An example FD experiment in the COSMOS testbed ||
     125 || [[Image(GNURadioFDExperiment.2.png,480px)]] || [[Image(ofdm_link_fd_gui.png,480px)]] ||
     126 || (a) The GNU Radio flowgraph || (b) The experiment GUI ||
    107128==== Wrapping Up & Saving Work ====
    108129When you are finished with your experiments, you can save your work to a new node image, that you can then load in next time. Since it can take some time to finish saving your work to a new server image, we recommend saving at least '''30 minutes''' of your reservation time to make sure you have enough time to complete the process.
    110 * To ensure a reliable image save, it is strongly recommended to reboot the server first. You will need to return to the Sandbox 2 console, either in a new SSH session, or by typing {{{exit}}} on the server SSH window.
     131* To ensure a reliable image save, we need to reboot the server first. You will need to return to the Sandbox 2 console, either in a new SSH session, or by typing {{{exit}}} on the server SSH window.
    111132* Run the following command from the Sandbox 2 console:
    146167 }}}
    147168* The node image is now saved, and you will be able to pick up where you left off the next time you login to use the FD radios.
    149 ==== Running an example experiment ====
    150 We can open GNU Radio using the following command:
    151 {{{
    152 gnuradio-companion &
    153 }}}
    155 If X-forwarding is setup correctly for your {{{ssh}}} session, the GNU Radio graphical user interface (GUI) program should open. If X-forwarding is not setup correctly, an error will display saying that the GUI window cannot be opened.
    157 Open an example experiment from the {{{~/FD_Examples}}} directory. The following experiments are available:
    158  * {{{node_level_sic_fd_gui}}} - Demonstrates node-level self-interference cancellation (SIC) and allows the experimenter to configure the RF canceller printed circuitboard (PCB).
    159  * {{{ofdm_link_fd_gui}}} - Creates an FD link between the two FD radios integrated in COSMOS.
    160  * {{{prr_fd_gui}}} - Computes the packet reception ratio (PRR) for an FD link.
    162 If we open {{{ofdm_link_fd_gui.grc}}}, the following window will show:
    164 Finally, clicking the grey-green play button will run the experiment!
    166  ||||||Figure 4: An example FD experiment in the COSMOS testbed ||
    167  || [[Image(GNURadioFDExperiment.2.png,480px)]] || [[Image(ofdm_link_fd_gui.png,480px)]] ||
    168  || (a) The GNU Radio flowgraph || (b) The experiment GUI ||
    170170=== Details on the available experiments ===