311 | | |
312 | | === Experiment Execution - RRU Mode: Savannah-mc === |
313 | | |
314 | | |
315 | | |
| 311 | ==== RRU Mode: Savannah-mc ==== |
| 312 | In this section, we are going to cover to how to **Savannah-mc** in **RRU** mode. |
| 313 | |
| 314 | Please double-check the CMake flags in {{{~/Savannah/agora-mmwave/build}}} directory. |
| 315 | {{{#!shell |
| 316 | # you are expect to see the following results: |
| 317 | root@srv1-lg1:~/Savannah/agora-mmwave/build# cmake ../ -DRADIO_TYPE=PURE_UHD |
| 318 | -- Using GNU compiler, compiler ID GNU |
| 319 | -- Debugging is disabled |
| 320 | -- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: -std=c++17 -Wall -g -march=native -m64 -O3 -Ofast -DNDEBUG |
| 321 | -- CURRENT DIRECTORY: /root/Savannah/agora-mmwave |
| 322 | -- CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR: /root/Savannah/agora-mmwave |
| 323 | -- Processor supports AVX-512 |
| 324 | -- Using FlexRAN's (i.e., not Agora's) AVX512 encoder |
| 325 | -- |
| 326 | -- ----- Configuration values ----- |
| 327 | -- DEBUG: OFF |
| 328 | -- RADIO_TYPE: PURE_UHD |
| 329 | -- LOG_LEVEL: info |
| 330 | -- USE_SPDLOG: True |
| 331 | -- ENABLE_MAC: False |
| 332 | -- ENABLE_CSV_LOG: False |
| 333 | -- ENABLE_MAT_LOG: False |
| 334 | -- USE_AVX2_ENCODER: False |
| 335 | -- ENABLE_HDF5: False |
| 337 | -- LDPC_TYPE: FlexRAN |
| 338 | -- LDPC_ENQ_BULK: False |
| 339 | -- MAT_OP_TYPE: AVX512 |
| 340 | -- SINGLE_THREAD: False |
| 341 | -- -------------------------------- |
| 342 | -- |
| 343 | -- Enabled Pure UHD radio type |
| 344 | -- Enabled SW Intel FlexRAN LDPC Decoding |
| 345 | -- LDPC: Sequential Enqueue Mode |
| 346 | -- Time-exlusive: Report only timing but not other characteristics |
| 347 | -- MAT_OP_TYPE: Enable AVX512 matrix operation |
| 348 | -- SINGLE_THREAD: Enable worker thread (use multi-thread model) |
| 349 | -- Using spdlog async logger as the default logger |
| 350 | -- Build spdlog: 1.11.0 |
| 351 | -- Build type: Release |
| 352 | -- Disabled Csv/Mat Logger |
| 353 | -- Logging level = info. |
| 354 | -- Enabled PURE_UHD radio |
| 355 | -- Found UHD: /usr/local/lib/libuhd.so (Required is at least version "3.15.0") |
| 356 | -- Using UHD Version: 4.1.0.HEAD-0-g25d617ca |
| 357 | -- Found Boost: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.71.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.71.0", minimum required is "1.65") found components: program_options system thread |
| 358 | -- Using Boost Version: 1.71.0 |
| 359 | -- pure_uhd_lib library initialized |
| 360 | -- Configuring done |
| 361 | -- Generating done |
| 362 | -- Build files have been written to: /root/Savannah/agora-mmwave/build |
| 363 | }}} |
| 364 | You are expected to see UHD is being linked and using UHD Version: 4.1.0.HEAD-0-g25d617ca. |
| 365 | |
| 366 | |