

The Mobility First project was started in 2010 with funding from the National Science Foundation's Future Internet Architecture (FIA) program as one of the four clean-slate architectures.The major design goals of the architecture are:

  • Mobility as a norm with dynamic host and network mobility at scale
  • Robustness with respect to intrinsic properties of wireless medium
  • Trustworthiness in the form of enhanced security and privacy for both mobile networks and wired infrastructure
  • Support for context-aware pervasive mobile services, evolvable network services, manageability and economic viability

This tutorials describes running simple mfping application using mobilityfirst routers, host stack and GNRS with ethernet, Wi Fi and OAI interfaces.


Five nodes are required to run this experiment (currently ORBIT SB4 is used as described below).

Set up

  1. In order to access the test bed, create a reservation and have it approved by the reservation service.
  2. Access to the resources are granted after the reservation is confirmed.
  3. Please follow the process shown on the COSMOS/ORBIT workflow page to get started .

Experiment 1 (Ethernet Interfaces)


Fig.1 MF Topology setup for Experiment 1


  1. Load the images on the nodes using the command below, the image mf-exp1.ndz has all the required source code files for host stack, routers and GNRS.
    console:~$ omf load -i mf-exp1.ndz -t node1-3,node1-4,node1-7,node1-6,node1-8
  1. Please turn on the nodes after loading image
    console:~$ omf tell -a on -t node1-3,node1-4,node1-7,node1-6,node1-8
  1. Open separate terminals for each of the nodes either using mobaxterm or putty. Also, in our above topology eth1 represents core interface and eth0 represents edge interface.
  1. Download the bash script into your console environment
    console:~$ git clone
  1. Configuration of GNRS
  • Login into the GNRS node (node1-8 in this case) console:~$ ssh root@node1-8
  • Change the ipv4 address in vim ~/mf/gnrs/jserver/sample-configs/single-server/net-ipv4.xml file to X.X.X.X (eth1 address –
  • Change the ipv4 address and the binding port in vim ~/mf/gnrs/jserver/sample-configs/single-server/as-binding.ipv4 file to X.X.X.X (eth1 address-
  1. Run/Execute the scripts present in exp1 folder from the console (see below for more instruction)
  1. Configure the file according to your node setup
    #Node IDs
    #Node Address
  1. Execute ./ to configure the IP address of the respective eth0 interfaces as shown in the topology figure above
  1. Execute ./ to copy topo file required by click routers
  1. Run ./ to copy host stack configuration files to the respective hosts
  • Before copying host config file, make sure you edit these mfstack files present in conf folder.
  • Inside vim mfstack1.conf and vim mfstack4.conf, configure GUID and also the interfaces with the respective next hop IP and MAC address of the router.
    # Required.
    #INTERFACE = ether,eth0,ip,auto
    INTERFACE = ether,eth0,ip,manual,,d8:50:e6:d4:f5:2d
  1. Run ./ to start the GNRS at node1-8

Verify the status of the GNRS using command: root@node1-8:~# tail -f /var/log/mfgnrs.log at node1-8

  1. Run ./ to start the routers on node1-4 and node1-7.

Verify the status of the routers using command: root@node1-4:~# tail -f /var/log/mfrouter2.log to read the logs of router with id 2 and root@node1-7:~# tail -f /var/log/mfrouter3.log to read the logs of router with id 3.

  1. Run ./ to start the host on node1-3, node1-6 respectively.

Use the command root@node1-3:~# tail -f /var/log/mfhost1.log and root@node1-6:~# tail -f /var/log/mfhost4.log to read the logs/status of host with id 1 and id 4 respectively.

Running MFPING

  1. At Host 4: Server (Start the server first)
    root@node1-6:~# mfping -m 4 -o 1 -s -d
  1. At Host 1: Client
    root@node1-3:~# mfping -d -m 1 -o 4 -c -n 10
  1. Stop scripts can be used to stop the respective host, routers and GNRS

Additional Details

  1. Starting GNRS:
  • cd mf/gnrs/jserver
  • mf/gnrs/jserver# java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:sample-configs/single-server/log4j.xml -jar target/gnrs-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar sample-configs/single-server/server.xml
  1. Starting Routers:
  • cd ~/mf/router/click/conf
  • ~/mf/router/click/conf# click my_GUID=X topo_file=topo core_dev=ethX GNRS_server_ip=x.x.x.x GNRS_server_port=5000 GNRS_listen_ip=y.y.y.y GNRS_listen_port=5001 edge_dev=ethx edge_dev_ip=z.z.z.z
  1. Staring Host:
  • cd mf/mfclient/hoststack/conf
  • mf/mfclient/hoststack/conf# mfstack -d mfstack.conf

Experiment 2 (WIFI)

Fig.2 MF Topology setup for Experiment 2

Experiment 3 (OAI)

Fig.3 MF Topology setup for Experiment 3

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on May 5, 2020, 3:50:35 PM

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