
Node md1 is a Medium Node located on the first floor of the Mudd Building at Columbia University, overlooking 120th Street. The omni-directional antenna has line-of-sight to the majority of 120th St. between Riverside Drive and Morningside Drive, as well as to parts of Amsterdam Avenue headed north.

Contributors: Watson Mushimbei, Irfan Tamim

Data: Available here (CSV)

Node photographs

Figure 1: Photographs of md2
(a) Viewed from sidewalk on 120th St. closest to node


Coverage measurements were performed in the area around md1 in February and March 2022. In total, around 100 measurements have been taken on sidewalks in the area spaced by roughly 5m. The measurement results are presented below.

Figure 1: Coverage measurement results for md1.

These measurements demonstrate an RSSI of around -80 dBm at a 300m distance down the street near Riverside Drive. As would be expected, the locations close to the node experience the highest RSSI.

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Mar 22, 2022, 11:59:59 PM

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