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Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP)
Resources required
Tutorial Setup
Create Extra Disk Space (if needed)
Modify /etc/hosts file to add references for named services. In real deployment, this would require modifying DNS records.
Configure extra disk (if applicable)
sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1 sudo mkdir /data sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /data sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig sudo lsblk -o +UUID
Update /etc/fstab with new line including UUID from above:
UUID=4cec62c2-7f6b-4141-86f7-8c2a38e6f3fa /data xfs defaults,nofail 0 2 sudo umount /data sudo mount -a sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /data
Install Prerequisite Packages
Install npm version manager
curl -L -o n sudo bash n lts sudo npm install -g n
Install nginx and pm2
sudo apt update sudo apt install nginx sudo npm install pm2 -g
Install Spatial Service Discovery
Create a folder for the code and build files. The path is your choice.
mkdir /data/ssddev cd /data/ssddev
Create a folder for data store. The path is your choice, but it should be added in the .env file in variable KAPPA_CORE_DIR later below.
mkdir data git clone cd oscp-spatial-service-discovery
Disable authentication (optional, not recommended for production deployment):
cp src/router-noauth.ts src/router.ts
Install the dependencies and build the project:
npm install npm run-script build
Add an appropriate .env file:
touch .env nano .env
and make sure it contains
WARNING: having or not having trailing slash in the domain (AUTH0_AUDIENCE) must match the entry in Auth0! In addition, the way we extract username from Java Web Tokens with jwt-decode library assumes that there is no trailing slash in the audience URI.
WARNING: the trailing / in AUTH0_ISSUER seems to be important, otherwise the client’s POST request return with error that is not found.
Start the service:
pm2 start dist/server.js --name ssd_orbit
Install Spatial Content Discovery Service
Create a folder for the code and build files. The path is your choice.
mkdir /data/scddev cd /data/scddev
Create a folder for data store. The path is your choice, but it should be added in the .env file below
mkdir data git clone cd oscp-spatial-content-discovery
Disable authentication (optional, not recommended for production):
cp src/router-noauth.ts src/router.ts
Install the dependencies and build the project:
npm install npm run-script build
Add an appropriate .env file:
touch .env nano .env
KAPPA_CORE_DIR="/home/native/dev/scd_data" AUTH0_ISSUER= AUTH0_AUDIENCE= GEOZONE="4671654" TOPICS="transit,history,entertainment,general" PORT=3100
WARNING: having or not having trailing slash in the domain (AUTH0_AUDIENCE) must match the entry in auth0
WARNING: the trailing / in AUTH0_ISSUER seems to be important, otherwise the client’s POST request return with error that is not found
Start the service:
pm2 start dist/server.js --name scd_orbit
Attachments (1)
(82.5 KB
) - added by 3 years ago.
OSCP Block Diagram
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