
Resources, Services and APIs

Everything that Experimenters can interact with is referred to as a Resource

To run an experiment, you will configure the resources that you need.

This includes:

  • Compute
    • capable of having disk images loaded and saved
    • users can log into them with ssh after provisioning
  • Software Defined Radios
    • FPGA images loaded with UHD
    • Radio paramaters controlled with UHD or other API
  • RF Frontends
    • api to control switches, filters, and gain
  • Network switches
    • connectivity defined with API
  • Optical Devices
    • space switch, roadms, and other devices controlled with optical config service

Note, some resources will fall into more than one of the above categories, such as a compute machine with integrated SDR, like the USRP 2974

RF Control

A number of services is availabe for experimenters to manage various aspects of domains and resources. These include:

  • RF Switch management service: service for management of RF switches in various sandbox nodes.
  • Node RF control service: management of the RF front-end in large and medium outdoor nodes.
  • XY Table service: controls the movable XY & angle platorms in Sandbox 1.

SDR Control

Compute Control

Network Control

Optical Control


REFERENCE: J. Yu, C. Gutterman, A. Minakhmetov, M. Sherman, T. Chen, S. Zhu, G. Zussman, I. Seskar, and D. Kilper, “Dual use SDN controller for management and experimentation in a field deployed testbed,” in Proc. OSA OFC’20, T3J.3, 2020.

CONTACT: Jiakai Yu

More details in the attached slides.

SDN controller architecture

SDN controller core functionalities:

Transmission setup

COSMOS optical topology overview:

One of the default COSMOS Transmission setups is the ring network:

User JSON format request examples

Add a light-path through multiple ROADMs with RWA

{"Request_Class": "addPathConnection", “direction": "bi-direction", "source_node_ip": "", "source_node_port": "1", "destination_node_ip": "", "destination_node_port": "1", "connection_name": "cosmos", "connection_id": “1", "channel_id": "50"}

Monitor WSS connection information of a ROADM

{"Request_Class": "MonitorWSS", "node_ip": ""}

Configure a single ROADM WSS connection

{"Request_Class": "ConfigWSS", "node_ip": "", "name": "cosmos", "module_id": "2", "connection_id": "1", ’ "input_port": "5101", "output_port": "5203", "start_freq": "194600.00", "end_freq": "194650.00", "attenuation": "4.0", "status": "in-service", "block": "false"}

Set up cross-connections in Calient S320

{"Request_Class": "SetupCRS", "crs": ["5.7.6>5.8.5","5.7.7>5.8.6"]}

Page Map

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Feb 18, 2021, 12:34:50 PM

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