
Version 3 (modified by seskar, 3 years ago) ( diff )

Chrome Remote Desktop Setup Page

Chrome Remote Desktop is a Google developed client-server framework that allows for remote desktop access to (in this case) a headless machine. In order to access a node that has Chrome Remote Desktop server side installed, you need to:

Step 1

Access the remote access page on your local Chrome browser and hit the Begin button:

Step 2

Select the Next button (under the assumption that you already have remote desktop service installed on the target node):

Step 3

Generate authorization token for the node but hitting the Authorize button

Step 4

Copy the command line with the token to you clipboard by selecting the target OS Copy button (icon to the right of the command line content pane - example below points at the copy button for the Linux platform)

Paste that command line in the remote ssh session on the node command line (typically not as a root user but rather as a user that was created for the remote access).

As shown in the above figure, the service will prompt you (twice) for a PIN number that will be needed in the next step as an additional security feature.

Step 5

Switch to the Remote Access mode in your local browser:

Step 6

If the authorization was successfully applied you should see the node listed under the Remote devices section:

Select that node and you should be prompted for the PIN created in Step 5:

Step 7

Once the pin is successfully entered, you should be rewarded with the remote desktop access within your browser:

Important note: Chrome Remote Desktop authorization can't be saved with the image and will not "survive" reboots i.e. you will have to re-authorize access every time node is booted!

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