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Service: XY Table
This service is used to control the positioning of the Sivers 60 GHz antenna arrays mounted on the XY-tables in COSMOS Sandbox 1. The XY tables allow for independent movement of each antenna array in the horizontal plane within a 1.3m x 1.3m area, as well as rotating the arrays ±45° about their vertical axis.
XY Tables:
Name Location Mounted Device COSMOS Sandbox 1 rfdev3-5 COSMOS Sandbox 1 rfdev3-6
Overhead View (not to scale):
Useful usage notes:
- X,Y movement is limited within a 1.3m x 1.3m area.
- The antenna arrays may be rotated ±45° about their vertical axis.
- The centers of the tables are approximately 20m apart.
- The coordinate systems of the tables are 180° rotated from each other (xytable1 has 0,0 in the "lower-right", while xytable2 has 0,0 in the "upper-left").
- For the arrays to be aligned "head on", the x-coordinate must follow this pattern:
- When xytable1 at x=0, then xytable2 at x=1300
- When xytable1 at x=650, then xytable2 at x=650
- When xytable1 at x=1300, then xytable2 at x=0
- Angles are defined relative to each array.
- Angles toward the "positive direction" are clockwise when viewed from overhead.
- Angles toward the "negative direction" are counter-clockwise when viewed from overhead.
- If the antennas are aligned on the x-axis, then an angle of 0° will ensure the antennas are facing each other.
All the available methods are accessible from the a testbed console via an HTTP API located at
. This API can be interacted with via a command line tool such as "curl" or any script using a "REST client" library.
Get the Current Status & Positions
This API call is used to get the current status of the XY-table(s). The response will specify the current movement state of the XY platform and angular rotation systems as well as their current and target positions.
Name Decription Required Acceptable Input name Comma separated list of XY-table FQDNs Y (list of XY table FQDNs)
Selected response values and their meaning:
- xy_status:
Value Decription Idle Platform is stopped in the X and Y plane. Run Platform is moving in the X and/or Y directions. other values Indicate possible error, may require staff intervention if persistent.
- rotator_status:
Value Decription Limp Rotator is stopped but the motor is not trying to hold the position fixed. Holding Rotator is stopped and the motor is trying to hold the position fixed. Accelerating
DeceleratingRotator is moving. other values Indicate possible error, may require staff intervention if persistent.
- current_position: The position information at the time the request was issued. Note that this is not real-time and may have up to a 1 second delay.
- target_position: The last requested X, Y, and angle positions.
Example 1
Get status of xytable1
HTTP Request:
<response status="OK"> <action service="xy_table" name="status"> <xy_table xy_status="Idle" rotator_status="Holding" name=""> <current_position x="650.998" y="0.997" angle="-0.4"/> <target_position x="650" y="0" angle="0.0"/> </xy_table> </action> </response>
Example 2
Get status of xytable1
and xytable2
HTTP Request:,
<response status="OK"> <action service="xy_table" name="status"> <xy_table xy_status="Idle" rotator_status="Holding" name=""> <current_position x="650.998" y="0.997" angle="-0.4"/> <target_position x="650" y="0" angle="0.0"/> </xy_table> <xy_table xy_status="Run" rotator_status="Holding" name=""> <current_position x="641.916" y="0.997" angle="0.4"/> <target_position x="650" y="0" angle="0.0"/> </xy_table> </action> </response>
Move XY Table Platform
Moves the platform(s) to the desired X, Y coordinates and rotates it to the desired angle. The response will be a "status" style response immediately following the execution of the command.
Name Decription Required Acceptable Input name Comma separated list of XY table FQDNs Y (list of XY table FQDNs) x X-axis target coordinate (mm) Y 0 to 1300 y Y-axis target coordinate (mm) Y 0 to 1300 angle Target angle (deg) Y -45 to 45
Example 1
Move the platform of xytable1
to X=500 and Y=30, and rotate to 15 degrees.
HTTP Request:
<response status="OK"> <action service="xy_table" name="move_to"> <xy_table xy_status="Run" rotator_status="Traveling" name=""> <current_position x="650.998" y="0.997" angle="-0.4"/> <target_position x="500" y="30" angle="15.0"/> </xy_table> </action> </response>
Stop the Current Movement
Immediately cancels the last requested movement and bring the platform(s) to a stop.
Name Decription Required Acceptable Input name Comma separated list of XY table FQDNs Y (list of XY table FQDNs)
Example 1
Stop the current movement of xytable1
HTTP Request:
<response status="OK"> <action service="xy_table" name="stop"> <xy_table xy_status="Idle" rotator_status="Holding" name=""> <current_position x="650.998" y="0.997" angle="-0.4"/> </xy_table> </action> </response>
Attachments (2)
- xy_overhead_diagram.png (16.2 KB ) - added by 4 years ago.
- xy_table.JPG (1.0 MB ) - added by 4 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip