
Millimeter Wave Experimentation in COSMOS SB1 with Xilinx RFSoC

Upgrade in Progress


  • Panagiotis Skrimponis, New York University: ps3857[at]
  • Prasanthi Maddala, Rutgers University

Last updated: October 18, 2021



For more information about the integration of the advanced programmable and open-source millimeter wave array systems in COSMOS, please read:

  1. T. Chen, P. Maddala, P. Skrimponis, J. Kolodziejski, X. Gu, A. Paidimarri, S. Rangan, G. Zussman, and I. Seskar, "Programmable and open-access millimeter-wave radios in the PAWR COSMOS testbed," in Proc. ACM Mobicom'21 Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH'21) (to appear), 2021. Download
  2. D. Raychaudhuri, I. Seskar, G. Zussman, T. Korakis, D. Kilper, T. Chen, J. Kolodziejski, M. Sherman, Z. Kostic, X. Gu, H. Krishnaswamy, S. Maheshwari, P. Skrimponis, and C. Gutterman, "Challenge: COSMOS: A city-scale programmable testbed for experimentation with advanced wireless," in Proc. ACM Mobicom'20, 2020." ​ACM Download Presentation Long Video Short Video
  3. P. Skrimponis, P. Maddala, J. Kolodziejski, I. Seskar, and S. Rangan, "60 GHz Beam Tracking Testbed," Brooklyn 6G Summit, 2021. Presentation Video

Please cite the above papers if you use the hardware. Please email Panagiotis Skrimponis (ps3857[at] if you have any questions.

Experiment Setup


Follow the steps below to gain access to COSMOS sb1 and set up nodes with appropriate image:

  1. If you don't have a COSMOS account already, you need to sign up.
  2. Create a resource reservation on sb1.
  3. Login into sb1 using SSH.
    not_a_user@laptop:~$ ssh -Y
  4. Make sure all the nodes and devices of this reservation are turned off:
    your_username@console:~$ omf tell -a offh -t system:topo:allres
  5. Load the rfsoc_sivers_sb1.ndz on srv1-in1 and srv1-in2.
    your_username@console:~$ omf load -i rfsoc_sivers_sb1.ndz -t srv1-in1,srv1-in2
  6. Power on all the required resources.
    your_username@console:~$ omf tell -a on -t srv1-in1,srv1-in2,rfdev3-in1,rfdev3-in2,sdr2-in1,sdr2-in2
  7. Check the status of the nodes and devices of sb1.
    your_username@console:~$ omf stat -t system:topo:allres
  8. Configure the RF switches to connect RFSoC with Sivers array
    your_username@console:~$ curl ",,2,3,4&port=2"
  9. Make sure the RF switches are configured correctly (all switches set to port 2)
    your_username@console:~# curl,
    <response status="OK">
      <rf_switch name="" num_of_switches="4">
        <switch number="1" port="2"/>
        <switch number="2" port="2"/>
        <switch number="3" port="2"/>
        <switch number="4" port="2"/>
      <rf_switch name="" num_of_switches="4">
        <switch number="1" port="2"/>
        <switch number="2" port="2"/>
        <switch number="3" port="2"/>
        <switch number="4" port="2"/>

RFSoC Setup

Every time we power cycle the FPGAs, we need to download the firmware (i.e., linux image, rootfs, bistream) using the Xilinx XSCT tool over JTAG. Please note the this process will take around 5-10'.

your_username@console:~$ ssh -Y root@srv1-in1
root@srv1-in1:~$ cd mmwsdr/fpga/nonrt-ch1/jtag/sb1_sdr2_in1/
root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/fpga/nonrt-ch1/jtag/sb1_sdr2_in1$ xsct download_firmware.tcl
your_username@console:~$ ssh -Y root@srv1-in2
root@srv1-in2:~$ cd mmwsdr/fpga/nonrt-ch1/jtag/sb1_sdr2_in2/
root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr/fpga/nonrt-ch1/jtag/sb1_sdr2_in2$ xsct download_firmware.tcl

Network Interface Setup

Using the information available in COSMOS WiKi we need to configure the ethernet interfaces.

First corner (1-1)
Device Control Network Data Network 1 Data Network 2
Support Server (srv1-in1) (srv1a-in1) (srv1b-in1)
RFSoC Device (sdr2-in1) (sdr2-in1a) (sdr2-in1b)
root@srv1-in1:~# ip link set enp1s0 mtu 9000 up
root@srv1-in1:~# ip link set enp3s0 mtu 9000 up
root@srv1-in1:~# ip addr add dev enp1s0
root@srv1-in1:~# ip addr add dev enp3s0
Second corner (20-20)
Device Control Network Data Network 1 Data Network 2
Support Server (srv1-in2) (srv1a-in2) (srv1b-in2)
RFSoC Device (sdr2-in2) (sdr2-in2a) (sdr2-in2b)
root@srv1-in2:~# ip link set enp1s0 mtu 9000 up
root@srv1-in2:~# ip link set enp3s0 mtu 9000 up
root@srv1-in2:~# ip addr add dev enp1s0
root@srv1-in2:~# ip addr add dev enp3s0

Environment Setup

To control the Sivers using a local connection we need to setup the FTDI drivers for every new ssh connection.

root@srv1-in1:~$ source ~/mmwsdr/host/scripts/

Software Update

Update the software:

root@srv1-in1:~$ cd mmwsdr
root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr$ git pull
root@srv1-in2:~$ cd mmwsdr
root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr$ git pull


In the following subsections, you can find detailed descriptions for each demo.


  • In this script we show the control of the SDR movement. Each SDR is mounted on top of an XY-Table that allows for independent movement in the horizontal plane and rotation along the vertical axis. To control the XY-Table we use the HTTP API detailed in the following page. To visualize this motion we open a live stream from a camera using OpenCV.
    root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/demos/basic$ python --node srv1-in1
  • In this demo we control a single SDR node. We create an SDR object and an XY-Table object using the mmwsdr library. The SDR object configures and controls a Xilinx RFSoC ZCU111 eval board and a Sivers IMA transceiver board. A user can provide arguments to the script, such as the carrier frequency, the COSMOS node id and the transceiver mode. The script by default starts a local connection with a carrier frequency at 60.48 GHz in receive mode.
    1. Start the transmitter in srv1-in1:
      root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/demos/basic$ python --freq 60.48e9 --node srv1-in1 --mode tx
    2. Start the receive in srv1-in2:
      root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr/host/demos/basic$ python --freq 60.48e9 --node srv1-in2 --mode rx
    3. Observe the received signal in frequency-domain:

The Python drivers of the Sivers library require Python 2. One way to remove this dependence is to remotely control the Sivers array with an HTTP server. The script '' instantiates an object to control the Sivers array and starts the HTTP server to listen to control commands

root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python -u SN0240
root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python -u SN0243
  • In this demo we control both the SDR nodes using a single script. We create an SDR object and an XY-Table object for each node using the mmwsdr library. The SDR object configures and controls a Xilinx RFSoC ZCU111 eval board and a Sivers IMA transceiver board. Shown below are the commands to start an HTTP server on srv1-in1 and to run script on srv1-in2. script in this case connects directly to its local Sivers front-end SN0240 and it connects to SN0243 via the HTTP server running on srv1-in2.
    1. Start the remote Eder server on srv1-in1 :
      root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python -u SN0240
    2. Start the experiment on the local server srv1-in2:
      root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr/host/demos/basic$ python --freq 60.48e9 --mode tx --node srv1-in2

Channel Sounder

In this demo, we show a frequency-domain channel sounder at 60 GHz. We generate N_FFT symbols in frequency domain. We generate a wide-band sequence filling [sc_min, sc_max] sub-carries with random 4-QAM symbols. We use IFFT to get the time-domain TX sequence. We transmit the data from SDR1 with cyclic repeat. We receive 100 frames of N_FFT data from SDR2. The user can select to save or process the data. When we process the data

In this section we demonstrated a frequency-domain channel sounder. We generate a tx sequence using mmwave.utils.waveform.wideband function.


In this demo, we use the calibration techniques by Sivers. The performance of the calibration can be further improved with the IQ calibration techniques described in the following papers,

  1. A. Dhananjay, K. Zheng, M. Mezzavilla, L. Iotti, D. Shasha, and S. Rangan, "Pi-Radio v1: Calibration techniques to enable fully-digital beamforming at 60 GHz," Computer Networks, Volume 196, 2021, 108220, ISSN 1389-1286,
  2. A. Dhananjay, K. Zheng, J. Haarla, L. Iotti, M. Mezzavilla, D. Shasha, and S. Rangan, "Calibrating a 4-channel Fully-Digital 60 GHz SDR," In Proc. of the 14th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH'20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 40–47.

Originally this techniques target a 4-channel fully-digital array. However, the algorithms are versatile and can target the phased arrays as well.

Calibrate RX IQ imbalance

root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python --unit SN0240

Calibrate TX IQ imbalance

root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python --unit SN0240

Array Pattern

root@srv1-in1:~/mmwsdr/host/mmwsdr/array$ python --unit SN0240
root@srv1-in2:~/mmwsdr/host/demos/basic$ python --freq 60.48e9 --mode tx

Beam Tracking

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Feb 7, 2022, 6:36:52 PM

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